


We are parents to a lively, squirmy, joyful, life-loving one year-old. Before God made us her parents, our faith life looked very different than it does now.

We used to arrive very early for Mass to make sure we had enough time to pray and prepare ourselves beforehand.

I would journal during Mass and write notes during the Homily so I would retain more of what I learned during the Mass.

We attended Eucharistic Adoration once a week.

We were constantly reading enriching books or listening to talks about our Catholic faith.

We prayed together for a good fifteen minutes every night.

I was saying the Rosary often and had a lot of time to spend in reflection and prayer every day.

I would read through countless Catholic blogs and stayed up-to-date on everything developing with our Pope and our faith. I felt so "plugged in"!



We are coming up on the one year milestone for our little one. ONE YEAR! How?! So many fellow mommas told me this would happen-that time would fly by. As hard as I tried to capture time in a jar, it didn't work. I tried to take in every moment and absorb every precious development milestone and I wrote down every single detail in her baby book. Still. Time flew by! What a beautiful and awe-inspiring year it's been!

With her celebration close at hand, I spent some time coming up with a sugar-free-friendly and tasty cake-like treat she could smash her chubby cherub hands into. It turned out so well! It was so good that my husband and I enjoyed the extras for ourselves and for breakfast the following day! They are guilt-free and won't leave you with a horrible sugar crash.

Sisters, I have a confession to make. I worry. Way. Too. Much. And, since becoming a mom, that worry has reached an all-time high! With such an influx of information about "how best to take care of baby", there are so many new what-ifs and am-I-doing-this-rights that I don't know how my head is still screwed on. My fellow moms tell me this is completely normal, BUT. I'm starting to see a trend where these worries are starting to rob me of the joys of motherhood. And I can tell you flat out where I think a large majority of these worries are sprouting from: Social Media.


Our Mary Altar

May is one of my favorite months of the year. Everything is in bloom. There's an overwhelming sense of renewal and rejuvenation as we spring clean our homes and the world becomes warm and green again. Many Catholic churches are having May Crowning ceremonies to honor Mary. The second weekend of the month, we celebrate Mother's Day.

During the month of May, we celebrate mothers and most important, our Holy Mother Mary. During May, we don't just celebrate women who give birth, but also the culture of motherhood and those with a mothering heart. Our Holy Mother is such a powerful example of the spirit of motherhood! While the month is nearly half over, it is not too late to do something special to honor her and celebrate the gift and culture of motherhood. There are so many things you can do; both simple, on a daily basis, and ongoing!

Okay...this is going to be a very painful blog entry to write....mostly because I have to admit some things about myself that I struggle with and.....that pride thing. Ugh. Thank God for His mercy and for giving me a husband who is so patient and merciful with me!

Before having our little one, I thought I trusted my husband in all things 100%. Turns out, I didn't trust him as much as I thought or as much as I really need to. Why is that? The trust I struggle with has nothing to do with fidelity. It all has to do with my expectations of him and trusting him to fulfill his vocation as HE'S meant to...... as we both enter this daunting yet amazing journey called, "Parenthood". *Insert heralding trumpets here*. 

Ten months in, I am doing much better (still not perfect!) at letting go and trusting God and my husband. Looking back on this time of growing pains, there are many things I've learned as I continue discerning how God wants me to be a better wife and mom. I hope I can make sense of it all. Here goes!